Bahamas Recognised Organisations
Detailing organisations to which The Bahamas has delegated survey, audit and certification under the provisions of Bahamas regulations and relevant international Conventions to which The Commonwealth of The Bahamas is a Party.
Authorised Classification Societies
The following twelve (12) organisations have been authorised to carry out statutory
certification and services for ships registered in The Bahamas and for Companies
operating Bahamian ships.
The Bahamas has authorised the organisations listed above as Recognised
Organisations (ROs) and Recognised Security Organizations (RSOs) in accordance with:
- i. International Maritime Organization (IMO) Assembly Resolution A.739(18) Guidelines for the Authorization of Organizations Acting on Behalf of the Administration and the Annex and Appendices thereto, as amended;
- ii. IMO Resolution A.789(19) Specifications on the Survey and Certification Functions of Recognized Organizations acting on behalf of the Administration and the Annex thereto, as amended;
- iii. IMO Resolutions MSC.349(92) and MEPC.237(65) Code for Recognized Organizations (RO Code) and the Annex and Appendices thereto, as amended;
- iv. Regulation and 5.1.2 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC), as amended.
The scope of authorisation of the nominated organisations is as found in the document,
“The Bahamas National Requirements”
Details of Recognised Organisations and Recognised Security Organisations authorised by The Bahamas have been submitted to ILO and IMO and are listed on the ILO NORMLEX and IMO GISIS1 systems respectively.
Any request for clarification regarding the scope or extent of authority of a Recognised Organisation to represent or act on behalf of The Bahamas should be made directly to
the BMA Inspections & Surveys department at tech@bahamasmaritime.com