Page 11 - The flag March 2016
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uBSASHIPOWNERSCHAIRMAN’S MESSAGEThis year has proven to be both challenging and remarkable for The Bahamas Shipowners Association (BSA). Led by the Association’s new Manager, the BSA has focused much of the latter of 2016 on its strategy and objective moving forward – centering around improving the relationship and communication with our members as to be able to provide them with the best possible support, aiming to ful l the BSA’s Mission:“Proactively pursuing the interest of our Members closely collaborating with Flag State and in uencing industry.”Our relationship with the Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) is crucial to achieving the vision and goals that we have set for the BSA – therefore this relationship is something that we continue to foster. The cooperation between the BSA and the Flag state is instrumental in the growth of the Bahamas Flag and I am grateful for the BMA’s continued cooperation and support.Internally we have had some changes within the Board, namely the appointment of Christian Sauleau, Crystal Cruises, and Thijs van der Jagt, SMIT Salvage, who were both rati ed at our AGM. Looking ahead, the Board and I, with the support of the membership, will continue to work toward building and promoting a platform where our voice can contribute to this dynamic industry. Our involvement with the ICS has ampli ed over the year, including Chairing the MBM Working Group as well as our active representation at the ICS Board and its Committees and Sub-committees.This coming year we plan to be visible at several major shipping events, including SeaTrade in Fort Lauderdale in mid-March, Nor-Shipping at the end of May and early June, and during the London International Shipping Week, during which we aim to hold this year’s AGM.ASSOCIATION AGMBY JOHN ADAMS, CHAIRMAN BSAThe BSA is proud of its links to the Greek Maritime community – with almost 20% of the BSA members represented by Greek ship-owning interests, Greece made for a  tting choice to end the Association’s year. On 3 November 2016 the BSA held its 20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Athens.The AGM was well attended by members, industry professionals and local media, who all gathered to network, listen to presentations and hear of the BSA’s latest and newest initiatives. At the core of the BSA presentation was the BSA strategy development, discussing the importance of developing a strategy for the future and the importance and value of the BSA’s close collaboration with the Flag. The Mission of the BSA was also presented to the participants at the AGM, which was well received: Proactively pursuing the interests of our Members, closely collaborating with Flag State and influencing industry.Themed ‘The BSA – Looking Ahead’ speakers included: Peter Hinchliffe, Secretary General of the ICS, who has since been awarded the “Lloyd’s List International Shipping Personality of the Year”; Nikos Tsakos – CEO of TEN and Chairman of INTERTANKO; and Henry Curra, Head of Research, Braemar ACM Shipbroking, discussing ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ as three possible future scenarios for the development of the shipping industry. The BMA was represented by several colleagues, most notably the Deputy Chairman, Peter John Goulandris and the MD Cmdr Davy Rolle, both making very valuable presentations further strengthening the ties between the BMA and the BSA.the ag11

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