1 event found. Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Day List Month Day Today 2021-02-17 17th February 2021 Select date. All Day 15th February 2021 - 19th February 2021 IMO SUB-COMMITTEE ON HUMAN ELEMENT, TRAINING AND WATCHKEEPING (HTW) – 7th session Virtual Event The Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training, and Watchkeeping (HTW) deals with the human side of shipping, including training and certification;… Previous Day Next Day Subscribe to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
15th February 2021 - 19th February 2021 IMO SUB-COMMITTEE ON HUMAN ELEMENT, TRAINING AND WATCHKEEPING (HTW) – 7th session Virtual Event The Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training, and Watchkeeping (HTW) deals with the human side of shipping, including training and certification;…