1 event found. Views Navigation Event Views Navigation Day List Month Day Today 2020-11-28 28th November 2020 Select date. All Day 27th November 2020 - 1st December 2020 The BMA is attending the Legal Committee meeting at the IMO, 107th Session. Virtual Event The BMA is attending the Legal Committee meeting at the IMO, 107th Session. Three days 27th Nov, 30th and 1st… Previous Day Next Day Subscribe to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Export .ics file Export Outlook .ics file
27th November 2020 - 1st December 2020 The BMA is attending the Legal Committee meeting at the IMO, 107th Session. Virtual Event The BMA is attending the Legal Committee meeting at the IMO, 107th Session. Three days 27th Nov, 30th and 1st…