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The Bahamas launches its campaign for IMO Council Membership

A reception held on Wednesday 12 March represented the culmination of a busy few days in the calendar of The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) 

Throughout the week The BMA, alongside The Bahamas’ Ambassador to the IMO, His Excellency Paul Rolle, hosted a delegation from The Bahamas which comprised the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Fred Mitchell, The Minister of Energy & Transport, the Honourable JoBeth Coleby-Davis, The BMA Board Chairman, Ms. Jacqueline M. Simmons, and The BMA Board Deputy Chairman, Mr. Peter John Goulandris.

Prior to the reception, a meeting was held with the IMO Secretary-General, Mr. Arsenio Dominguez, with whom there was constructive dialogue and exchange on a range of maritime matters with particular appreciation conveyed to the Secretary-General for his efforts in securing the release of the crew of the Galaxy Leader.  The Ministers also presented The Bahamas’ annual IMO assessment. Each member state pays according to its fleet size and the assessment for The Bahamas this year represents 3.28% of the total IMO budget.

During the week, the delegation made courtesy calls to several countries, seeking their support for The Bahamas’ candidacy for re-election to the IMO Council in Category “C”. The engagements offered the opportunity for The Bahamas to highlight its achievements as an IMO Council member, reemphasising its eligibility as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) and sharing some of the activities being undertaken as a flag, port and coastal state.