Recent workshop in Jamaica prepares states for IMO Audit

The Bahamas Maritime Authority attended the recent Regional Workshop for Maritime Administrators which was held from 8th to 12th April in Kingston, Jamaica. The purpose of the workshop was to make ready the member states on implementation of the IMO Member State Audit Scheme.
The IMO has already started to audit its member states and requires them to be ready and fully compliant by the time of their compulsory audit. This will assess how well the state administers and implements the IMO instruments which are covered by the iii Code.
Capt Kapila Malawwethanthri, Technical & Compliance Officer in the Inspections & Surveys Department of The BMA, and Lonna Bethel, Assistant Port Controller in The Bahamas Port Department, represented The Bahamas at the 5-day workshop. They were joined by participants from other regional countries and local agencies that have a key role to play in the implementation of the IMO’s instruments. Captain Malawwethanthri said that the workshop had been very useful. “The participants from over the Caribbean region were pleased to be able to share experiences and work together to ensure that all regional member states will be ready for this important audit.”