First in-person Recognised Organisations and Approved Nautical Inspectors meeting since the start of the pandemic Category BMA News Date Posted 06 June 2023 Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn In another sign that we are at last beginning to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us, The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) hosted representatives of its Recognised Organisations (RO) and a number of its Approved Nautical Inspectors at the headquarters of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects for the first “in person” RO and Inspector meeting since restrictions were lifted. The RO meeting on Monday 22 May was attended in person by some 18 RO representatives (and 1 online), and a number of topics of interest were presented by BMA staff. An evening dinner and reception was held at the International Maritime Organisation Headquarters for ROs and Inspectors, on what turned out to be a fine sunny evening. The following day’s meeting was attended by approximately 30 Inspectors from various ports around the world, with others joining online. Again, a number of topics of interest were presented by BMA staff and we were delighted to have guest speakers Kenny English of Waves Group, who spoke on LNG Containment & Energy Transition (LNG, Hydrogen and Ammonia), and Lt Cdr Jason Kling of the US Coast Guard Cruise Ship National Center of Expertise who presented an update on the USCG inspections program virtually. It was great to see our partner colleagues and friends after such a long time and to spend time together in person again.