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Cruise Line Industry Association (CLIA) “Cruise Forward Summit”

The BMA was in attendance at the Cruise Line Industry Association (CLIA) “Cruise Forward Summit” in Miami from 15-17 November. This event was a great opportunity for members, partners, and special guests to hear from and engage with industry leaders on a variety of topics and explore issues affecting the entire cruise community. The summit concluded with a visit to the brand new Bahamas flag cruise ship NORWEGIAN PRIMA.

Whilst in Florida, The BMA team took the opportunity to meet clients and partners, including owners, Bahamas Recognised Organisations and inspectors.

Stacy and Felicia - CLIA Cruise Forward Summit 2022
The BMA Team at CLIA Cruise Forward Summit 2022 Stacy Davis, Stephen Keenan & Felicia Alleyne
Visit to Lloyd's Register - Felicia Alleyne (BMA), Bruce McDonald (LR), Joep Bollerman (LR), Stephen Keenan (BMA), Stacy Davis (BMA), Gareth Hughes (LR), Onur Kirriman (LR)